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vendors wanted

Got Craft is open to designers, makers, crafters, artists, and small shops that offer a selection of unique and diverse goods. Whether this is your first market or you already have a successful brand, Got Craft is the place to meet new and existing customers, pick up wholesale accounts, and network with a like-minded community.

Established in 2007, Got Craft is a highly anticipated event that is thoughtfully curated to create a one of a kind, accessible and inclusive shopping experience. Through our partnerships and collaborations, we are excited to have the opportunity to add additional events to our market line up. Our mini market and pop-ups are curated Got Craft events within another event while our other markets are produced entirely in-house.

All submitted applications will be reviewed by a jury. A full description of the jury process can be found in the terms + conditions on the vendor application. There is a $10 non-refundable and non-transferable jury fee for the spring and holiday (in-person) markets. Only accepted vendors will be notified by email within approx. 48 hours.

Have additional questions? Visit our FAQ or email us HERE.

BC Home + Garden Show

March 13 - 16

Applications are now closed. Please email us to be added to the wait list.

Burnwater Spring Sprint

May 3

Kids Mini Makers Spring Market

May 3 + 4

Got Craft Spring Market

May 3 + 4

VESSI 500 Championship

May 31

Kids Mini Makers Concord Pacific Dragon Boat

June 21 + 22

Concord Pacific Dragon Boat Festival

June 21 + 22

Bits + Bobs Samples and Seconds SALE

September 20

Oddball Fall Classic

September 27

Vancouver Fall Home Show

October 23 - 26